Ben B. Balsley

Author ID: 96


   "Turbulence energy dissipation rates and inner scale sizes from rocket and radar data", Watkins, B. J., C. R. Philbrick, B. B. Balsley, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 93, No. D6, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1988, pp. 7009 - 7014
   "Evidence of gravity wave saturation and local turbulence production in the summer mesosphere and lower thermosphere during the STATE experiment", Fritts, D. C., S. A. Smith, B. B. Balsley, C. R. Philbrick, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 93, No. D6, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1988, pp. 7015 - 7025, CCC: 0148-0227/88/007D-0518, Paper: 7D0518
   "Simultaneous rocket and MST radar observation of an internal gravity wave breaking in the mesosphere", Smith, S. A., D. C. Fritts, B. B. Balsley, C. R. Philbrick, International Council of Scientific Unions, Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, Vol. 20, NASA, June 1986, pp. 136 - 146, SEE N87-10419 01-42
   "The STATE experiment - mesospheric dynamics", Philbrick, C. R., D. P. Sipler, B. B. Balsley, J. C. Ulwick, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 4, No. 6, COSPAR (Committee on Space Research), 1984, pp. 129 - 132, CCC: 0273-1177/84
   "The STATE (Structure and Atmospheric Turbulence Environment) experiment - overview", Philbrick, C. R., D. P. Sipler, B. B. Balsley, J. C. Ulwick, The STATE Experiment - Overview, U. S Department of Defense, January 1984, pp. 1 - 31, Accession Number: ADA160591