Perspectives for a Modern Engineer: Engineering in the 21st Century

Document ID: 234

Philbrick, C. Russell


 The Pennsylvania State University, Department of Electrical Engineering, University Park, PA, U.S.A.

Presented: Electrical Engineering Graduate Seminar
The Pennsylvania State University, December, 2005


Is there any doubt –

  1. that man is changing the environment of the planet?
  2. that fossil fuel will eventually run out?
  3. that fresh water is becoming less available?
  4. that we are wasting many natural resources?

The issues are:

  1. Population
  2. Air
  3. Water
  4. Land – Agriculture – Chemicals
  5. Biodiversity
  6. Energy

Our resources are:

  1. Brains – imagination, planning
  2. Individuals – creative ideas, responsibility, vision
  3. Collective action – issues, government regulation, global cooperation


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Citation:        Perspectives for a Modern Engineer: Engineering in the 21st Century, Philbrick, C. Russell, Presentation, 2005, 63 pages