Mesospheric nitric-oxide concentrations during a PCA

Document ID: 46

Narcisi, R. S.
Philbrick, C. Russell
Ulwick, James C.
Gardner, M. E.

 USAF, Cambridge Research Laboratories, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA, U.S.A.


Atmospheric nitric oxide plays a highly signifi­cant role in the formation of the ionospheric D and E regions. Measurements of its atmospheric concentration and variability are required, therefore, to determine ionospheric behavior. An upper limit to nitric-oxide concentrations was first set by Jursa et al,. [1959]. Determinations of NO concentrations from rocket-borne ultra­violet spectrometer measurements of the nitric­oxide gamma bands were subsequently reported by Barth [1966], Pearce [1969], and Meira [1971]. Apparently, when Rayleigh scattering is properly subtracted from the emission-rate profiles, the NO-concentration profiles derived by Barth and by Pearce can be brought more m line with those of Meira [1971].

A derivation of daytime, nighttime, and sunset mesospheric nitric-oxide concentrations during a PCA is reported in this paper. These concentrations are calculated by utilizing measured ionospheric parameters and ion-chemical reaction rates exclusively. The PCA measurements are briefly discussed, and it is shown how these measurements were instrumental in clarifying the ion chemistry of the disturbed D region. The method of calculation and the measured values of the ionospheric parameters used are discussed. Finally the results are presented and compared to other measurements and determinations.

During the November 2-4, 1969, PCA event at Fort Churchill, Canada, three rocket measure­ments of the D- and E-region positive ion com­position were performed with cryopumped quadrupole mass spectrometers. Measurements of total charged-particle concentrations were also made with Langmuir probes. The first mass spectrometer was launched on November 3 at 0130 CST (x = 133°), the second was fired 10 hours later at 1130 CST (x = 74°), and the third was launched at sunset at 1650 CST (x = 94.6°) on November 4.


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Keywords: D-region, E-region, ion composition

Citation:        "Mesospheric nitric-oxide concentrations during a PCA", Narcisi, R. S., C. R. Philbrick, J. C. Ulwick, M. E. Gardner, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 77, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 1972, pp. 1332 - 1336