The middle atmosphere above Andoya Norway during the winter 1983/84 as derived from metrockets and OH nightglow observations
Document ID: 272
Meyer, W.1
Gerndt, R.2
Philbrick, C. Russell3
Schmidlin, F. J.4
1 University of Bonn, Institute of Physics, Bonn, F.R.G.
2 University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, F.R.G.
3 USAF, Geophysics Laboratory, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA, U.S.A.
4 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA, U.S.A.
A total of 110 wind measurements were performed in the middle atmosphere above Andoya (69N, 16E) during the MAP/WINE Campaign from December 2, 1983 to February 23, 1984 using 57 inflatable passive falling spheres, 33 datasondes, 18 foil clouds and 2 instrumented active spheres. Temperature profiles were derived from 42 falling spheres, 26 datasondes and 2 active spheres. Near-mesopause temperatures were determined from OH nightglow observations. Synthesized charts of the temperatures as well as the zonal and meridional wind components between 0 and 90 km altitudes are presented. The temperature measurements indicate the occurrence of several minor and one major stratospheric warming, the latter being observed over Andoya at the end of the launch series.
Keywords: atmospheric sounding, middle atmosphere, nightglow, Norway, polar region, rocket sounding, winter, atmospheric temperature, stratospheric warming, temperature distribution, wind measurement, wind, sudden stratospheric warmings, hydroxyl nightglow, meterological rockets, MAP/WINE