Temperature Dependence of Absorption Cross-section for IR Spectra

Document ID: 174

Li, Guangkun
Philbrick, C. Russell


This report describes model simulations and calculations of methane and ethane spectra from the HITRAN (High Resolution Transmission) molecular spectroscopic database and associated molecular databases by proper utilization of the JavaHAWKS software package. Methane and ethane absorption cross-sections at near IR region are computed with different temperature and pressure conditions. The computed spectra is compared with experimental spectra data from NIST, EPA, MOTRAN and PNNL. Finally, the computed spectra are used to estimate system performance for a DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) instrument on a platform at 500 m altitude under different weather conditions.


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Citation:        "Temperature Dependence of Absorption Cross-section for IR Spectra", Li, G., C. R. Philbrick, unknown publisher, 2004, pp. 1 - 21